ID | Date | Month | Category | Regulatory Update | Details |
1 | 20-07-2023 | July | Industry Specific | Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers issues order regarding the Polyester Partially Oriented Yarn (Quality Control) Order, 2023 | CLICK HERE |
2 | 20-07-2023 | July | Industry Specific | Karnataka Real Estate Regulatory Authority notifies Mandatory deposit of money into the RERA project designated bank account borrowed by the promoter by mortgage of the project land and utilisation for the same project development purposes | CLICK HERE |
3 | 20-07-2023 | July | EHS | MOEFCC notifies amendment in the Notification No. G.S.R. 499(E) dated 11th July, 2023 | CLICK HERE |
4 | 20-07-2023 | July | EHS | MOEFCC notifies Environment (Utilisation of Crop residue by Thermal Power Plants) Rules, 2023 | CLICK HERE |
5 | 20-07-2023 | July | Corporate | MCA notifies Exemption of RRBs from the certain provisions of Competition Act, 2002 | CLICK HERE |
6 | 20-07-2023 | July | Corporate | BSE issue notice for Advisory � Bandwidth Capacity Planning /Link Upgrade | CLICK HERE |
7 | 20-07-2023 | July | Corporate | NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named "Shubham Manju Kushwaha" | CLICK HERE |
8 | 20-07-2023 | July | Corporate | NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t persons named "Shweta Thakur" and "Ajay Tiwari" | CLICK HERE |
9 | 20-07-2023 | July | Corporate | NSE issues circular for Pre-Trade risk controls Validation for Stop Loss Limit Order Entry | CLICK HERE |
10 | 20-07-2023 | July | Corporate | SEBI issues circular for Trading Window closure period under Clause 4 of Schedule B read with Regulation 9 of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 (�PIT Regulations�) | CLICK HERE |
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