ID | Date | Month | Category | Regulatory Update | Details |
1 | 03-04-2024 | April | General | Government of Karnataka notifies tax exemption to electric motor vehicle | CLICK HERE |
2 | 03-04-2024 | April | General | CKYC India notifies KYC Download to Customers by CKYCRR | CLICK HERE |
3 | 03-04-2024 | April | Industry Specific | DOT notifies Use of Paper based KYC process in exceptional cases | CLICK HERE |
4 | 03-04-2024 | April | Industry Specific | CEA notifies Sachet-Electrical Safety Handbook | CLICK HERE |
5 | 03-04-2024 | April | Industry Specific | Ministry of Commerce & Industry notifies Directives regarding submission of digitized ANFs, Appendices etc | CLICK HERE |
6 | 03-04-2024 | April | Corporate | CDSL notifies Availability of CDSL System | CLICK HERE |
7 | 03-04-2024 | April | Corporate | CDSL notifies Submission of Compliance of Framework For Adoption of Cloud Services By SEBI Regulated Entities | CLICK HERE |
8 | 03-04-2024 | April | Corporate | CDSL notifies Submission / Dissemination of DP Tariff / Charge Structure To CDSL Every Year | CLICK HERE |
9 | 03-04-2024 | April | Corporate | CDSL notifies Reminder: Submission of Compliance of Closure of Findings Identified During VAPT | CLICK HERE |
10 | 03-04-2024 | April | Corporate | BSE issue notice for Master Circular IT 2024 | CLICK HERE |
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