ID Date Month Category Regulatory Update Details
1 27-11-2023 November Labour Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions notifies amendment in the Second Schedule to the Right to Information Act, 2005 CLICK HERE
2 24-11-2023 November Industry Specific IRDAI issues Circular regarding Procedures for Implementation of Section 12A of WMD Act, 2005 and 51A of UAPA CLICK HERE
3 24-11-2023 November Industry Specific Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies under sub clauses (i) and (ii) of Clause (b) of section 8 of A.P. Prohibition Act, 1995 CLICK HERE
4 24-11-2023 November Industry Specific Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies Excise Policy for the year 2023-24 i.e. from 01.10.2023 to 30.09.2024 in respect of Shops CLICK HERE
5 24-11-2023 November Industry Specific Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies regarding the �Assessable Values� of Foreign Liquor CLICK HERE
6 24-11-2023 November Industry Specific Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies regarding amendment to the Toddy Policy for the period 2022-2027 CLICK HERE
7 24-11-2023 November Industry Specific Government of The National Capital Territory of Delhi notifies Mandatory 220 Working Days in an Academic Year in the School CLICK HERE
8 24-11-2023 November Industry Specific Ministry of Commerce & Industry notifies the Legal Metrology- Material Measures of Length (Quality Control) Order, 2023 CLICK HERE
9 24-11-2023 November Corporate CDSL notifies Additional Fields in Demat Set-Up / Rejection and Closure Initiated by Depository Participants CLICK HERE
10 24-11-2023 November Corporate NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Aisha Sharma� CLICK HERE