ID Date Month Category Regulatory Update Details
1 03-07-2024 July Corporate NCDEX issues circular regarding Charges levied by Market Infrastructure Institutions – True to Label CLICK HERE
2 03-07-2024 July Corporate MCXCCL issues Circular for Standardization of CC to Member Interface files in Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF) CLICK HERE
3 03-07-2024 July Corporate CDSL notifies SEBI CIR - Dispatch of Consolidated Account Statement (CAS) for all securities assets CLICK HERE
4 03-07-2024 July Corporate CDSL notifies Availability of CDSL System CLICK HERE
5 03-07-2024 July Corporate BSE issue notice for Discontinuation date of non-encryption channel in production extended CLICK HERE
6 03-07-2024 July Corporate BSE issue notice for Number of partitions to be increased from 8 to 10 in equity derivatives segment CLICK HERE
7 03-07-2024 July Corporate BSE issue notice for Operating Guidelines w.r.t. Purchase Fund Reconciliation pursuant to discontinuation of pool accounts for transactions in units of Mutual Funds on the BSE StAR MF Platform CLICK HERE
8 03-07-2024 July Corporate BSE issue notice for Charges levied by Market Infrastructure Institutions – True to Label CLICK HERE
9 03-07-2024 July Corporate BSE issue notice for Modification in duration for Call Auction in pre-open session for Initial Public Offer (IPO) and Relisted scrips CLICK HERE
10 03-07-2024 July Corporate NSE issues Circular for Systemic Improvements in the bidding process of SME Public Issues CLICK HERE