ID Date Month Category Regulatory Update Details
1 05-02-2024 February Corporate MCA notifies establishment of a Central Processing Centre CLICK HERE
2 05-02-2024 February Lebour ESIC notifies enhancement in the rate of PDB/DB w.e.f. 01.08.2022 in the cases where the employment injuries resulting in disablement or death occurred on or before 31.12.2021 CLICK HERE
3 05-02-2024 February Lebour MOLE notifies public utility service in respect of services engaged in the manufacturing of Alumina and Aluminium and Mining of Bauxite CLICK HERE
4 05-02-2024 February Corporate CBDT notifies Deductees/Collectees having PAN status as 'Inoperative' attract higher TDS/TCS rates applicable as per provisions of Section 206AA/ 206CC of Income Tax Act CLICK HERE
5 05-02-2024 February Corporate CBDT isssues press release for Income Tax Return Forms for the Assessment Year 2024-25 well in advance CLICK HERE
6 05-02-2024 February Corporate Ministry of Finance notifies Accessibility Standards and Guidelines for Banking Sector CLICK HERE
7 04-02-2024 February General Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers welfare notifies Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) (Third Amendment) Order, 2024 CLICK HERE
8 04-02-2024 February General Ministry of Home Affairs notifies Extension of the validity of FCRA registration certificates CLICK HERE
9 04-02-2024 February Industry Specific DGAIC notifies Implementation of Section 12A of the Weapons of Mass Destruction and their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities) Act, 2005: Designated List (Amendments): Security Council 1718 Sanctions Committee Amends One Entry on Its Sanctions List CLICK HERE
10 04-02-2024 February Corporate MCXCCL issues circular for Standardization of CC to Member Interface files in Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF) CLICK HERE