ID Date Month Category Regulatory Update Details
1 24-06-2024 June Industry Specific Ministry of Commerce and Industry issues order regarding Cast Iron Products (Quality Control) Order, 2024 CLICK HERE
2 24-06-2024 June Industry Specific Ministry of Law and Justice notifies enforcement of sections of the Telecommunications Act, 2023 CLICK HERE
3 24-06-2024 June EHS Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change notifies Amendment of laboratories notification CLICK HERE
4 24-06-2024 June Corporate NCCL issues circular for Standardization of Clearing Corporation to Member Interface files in Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF) CLICK HERE
5 24-06-2024 June Corporate MCX issues Circular for Reminder - System Audit of Trading Member CLICK HERE
6 24-06-2024 June Corporate MCX issues Circular for Reminder - Cyber Security & Cyber Resilience Audit of Trading Members CLICK HERE
7 24-06-2024 June Corporate MCX issues Circular for Registration of Lines of Business (LOBs) on FINNET 2.0 CLICK HERE
8 24-06-2024 June Corporate MCX issues Circular for Cyber Security Awareness Program for Members – June 2024 CLICK HERE
9 24-06-2024 June Corporate CDSL notifies Validation of KYC Records With KRA CLICK HERE
10 24-06-2024 June Corporate BSE issue notice for Policy on Handling of Good Till Cancelled Orders offered by Members to Clients CLICK HERE