ID Date Month Category Regulatory Update Details
1 21-02-2024 February Labour ESIC notifies Problems being faced by IPs in submission of online Maternity Benefit claims in the absence of UAN CLICK HERE
2 21-02-2024 February Labour MOLE notifies the date on which the provisions of the Employees� State Insurance Act, 1948, shall come into force in all areas of the Nabrangpur district, in the State of Odisha CLICK HERE
3 21-02-2024 February Labour MOLE notifies the date on which the provisions of the Employees� State Insurance Act, 1948, shall come into force in all areas of the Nayagarh district, in the State of Odisha CLICK HERE
4 20-02-2024 February General NHB notifies The Bank�s Prime Lending Rate (PLR) stands at 8.10% w.e.f. February 16, 2024 CLICK HERE
5 20-02-2024 February Industry Specific Government of Maharashtra notifies Mumbai Municipal Corporation (Amendment) Ordinance, 2024 CLICK HERE
6 20-02-2024 February Industry Specific DOT notifies Amendment in existing KYC instructions for issuing mobile connections to citizens of Nepal and Bhutan visiting India CLICK HERE
7 20-02-2024 February Industry Specific Ministry of Textiles notifies Scheme for Rebate of State and Central Taxes and Levies on Export of Apparel/Garments and Made-ups CLICK HERE
8 20-02-2024 February Corporate BSE issue notice for Mode Of Settlement The Request For Quote (RFQ) Platform CLICK HERE
9 20-02-2024 February Corporate NSE issues Circular for Standardization of CC to Member Interface files in Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF)-Update CLICK HERE
10 20-02-2024 February Corporate NSE issues Circular for Clearing and settlement timings for special live trading session on 02-Mar-2024 CLICK HERE