ID Date Month Category Regulatory Update Details
1 22-02-2024 February General CERSAI notifies Status of implementation of advisory shared by CERSAI to Public Sector Banks CLICK HERE
2 22-02-2024 February General CERSAI notifies Status of implementation of advisory shared by CERSAI to All Reporting Entities except Public Sector Banks CLICK HERE
3 22-02-2024 February General Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment notifies the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Amendment) Rules, 2024 CLICK HERE
4 22-02-2024 February General MOHFW notifies Surrogacy (Regulation) Amendment Rules, 2024 CLICK HERE
5 22-02-2024 February Industry Specific Government of Assam notifies Assam Food Security (Amendment) Rules, 2023 CLICK HERE
6 22-02-2024 February Industry Specific Rajasthan Real Estate Regulatory Authority issues order for Extension of the registration of the project due to Corona pandemic CLICK HERE
7 22-02-2024 February Industry Specific DOT notifies implementation of Minimum Rollout Obligations (MRO) module in Saral Sanchar Portal CLICK HERE
8 22-02-2024 February Industry Specific Competition Commission of India notifies FAQs on Lesser Penalty Regime CLICK HERE
9 22-02-2024 February Industry Specific IRDAI notifies Obligatory Cession for the financial year 2024-25 CLICK HERE
10 22-02-2024 February Industry Specific Ministry of Mines notifies the Minerals (Other than Atomic and Hydro Carbons Energy Minerals) Concession (Second Amendment) Rules, 2024 CLICK HERE