ID | Date | Month | Category | Regulatory Update | Details |
1 | 10-07-2024 | July | General | Government of Karnataka notifies Karnataka Excise (Sale of Indian & Foreign Liquors) (Amendment) Rules, 2024 | CLICK HERE |
2 | 10-07-2024 | July | General | NESL issues Circular regarding Whitelisting of NeSL DDE e-Sign URL | CLICK HERE |
3 | 10-07-2024 | July | Industry Specific | Ministry of Mines issues order regarding MMDR Act and Rule 52 of MCR 2016 | CLICK HERE |
4 | 10-07-2024 | July | Corporate | NCDEX issues circular regarding Financing of Securities/Commodities transactions – sharing of data by Trading Members | CLICK HERE |
5 | 10-07-2024 | July | Corporate | MSE issues Circular for Convenience and Ease of Trading for the Clients | CLICK HERE |
6 | 10-07-2024 | July | Corporate | MSE issues Circular for Measures to instil confidence in securities market - Brokers' institutional mechanism for prevention and detection of fraud or market abuse | CLICK HERE |
7 | 10-07-2024 | July | Corporate | CDSL notifies Harmonization of File Formats Across Depository | CLICK HERE |
8 | 10-07-2024 | July | Corporate | NSE issues Circular for Short Allocation of Collaterals | CLICK HERE |
9 | 10-07-2024 | July | Corporate | SEBI issues Master Circular on Surveillance of Securities Market | CLICK HERE |
10 | 10-07-2024 | July | Corporate | SEBI issues Circular for Information to be filed by schemes of AIFs availing dissolution period/additional liquidation period and conditions for in-specie distribution of assets of AIFs | CLICK HERE |
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