ID Date Month Category Regulatory Update Details
1 07-05-2024 May Corporate SEBI issues circular regarding entities allowed to use e-KYC Aadhaar Authentication services of UIDAI in Securities Marketas sub-KUA CLICK HERE
2 07-05-2024 May Corporate RBI issues a Press Release for Rate of interest on Government of India Floating Rate Bond 2024 CLICK HERE
3 07-05-2024 May Corporate RBI notifies Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2024 CLICK HERE
4 07-05-2024 May Corporate RBI notifies Foreign Exchange Management (Margin for Derivatives Contracts) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2024 CLICK HERE
5 07-05-2024 May Labour EPFO issues circular regarding Email ID for NPS related Matters of EPFO. CLICK HERE
6 06-05-2024 May Industry Specific Ministry of Mines order regarding Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2024 CLICK HERE
7 06-05-2024 May Industry Specific Ministry of Mines order regarding Copper (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2024 CLICK HERE
8 06-05-2024 May Industry Specific Ministry of Mines order regarding Nickel (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2024 CLICK HERE
9 06-05-2024 May Corporate SEBI issues circular for Portfolio Managers - Facilitating ease in digital on-boarding process for clients and enhancing transparency through disclosures CLICK HERE
10 06-05-2024 May Corporate SEBI issues circular regarding Facilitating collective oversight of distributors for Portfolio Management Services(PMS)through APMI CLICK HERE