ID Date Month Category Regulatory Update Details
1 09-05-2024 May General BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Information Technology and Cybersecurity CLICK HERE
2 09-05-2024 May General BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Natural Gas, Water Quality and Radiological Protection CLICK HERE
3 09-05-2024 May Industry Specific U.P. RERA notifies Proforma of application for the addition of co-allottee name in complaint form CLICK HERE
4 09-05-2024 May Industry Specific U.P. RERA notifies Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Certified Copy of the orders of Authority CLICK HERE
5 09-05-2024 May Industry Specific ORERA notifies Withdrawal of Direction of ORERA vide No. 4181/Estt.-69/22 dated 28.9.2022 under section 37 of RE(R&D) Act, 2016 CLICK HERE
6 09-05-2024 May Industry Specific K-RERA issues order regarding lmposition of penalty for promoters who fail to submit quarterly progress Report CLICK HERE
7 09-05-2024 May Industry Specific K-RERA issues Circular from Govt of Kerala - LSGD : Plot Development Permit CLICK HERE
8 09-05-2024 May Industry Specific Ministry of Commerce and Industry notifies Procedure for Import Allocation for the Financial Year 2024-25, for import of Calcined Pet Coke for Aluminium Industry and Raw Pet Coke for CPC manufacturing industry - reg CLICK HERE
9 09-05-2024 May EHS State Pollution Control Board, Sikkim issues Notice to all PIBOs and Plastic Waste Processors to register in the centralized EPR portal CLICK HERE
10 09-05-2024 May EHS CPCB notifies Compulsory Participation of EPA Recognized Environmental Laboratories in Analytical Quality Control (AQC) exercise conducted by Central Pollution Control Board CLICK HERE