ID Date Month Category Regulatory Update Details
1 02-11-2022 November General BIS notifies Amendments to Indian standards w.r.t Textiles CLICK HERE
2 02-11-2022 November Industry Specific FIU notifies Go Live of Unified Communication Cell for FINGate 2.0 CLICK HERE
3 02-11-2022 November Industry Specific DOT notifies Instructions regarding implementation of NCRMP by NDMA in Kerala CLICK HERE
4 02-11-2022 November Industry Specific DOT notifies Amendment in scope of IP-I registration CLICK HERE
5 02-11-2022 November Industry Specific DOT notifies Guidelines for Surrender of administratively assigned spectrum to Telecom Service Provider (TSPs) with Access Service Authorisation CLICK HERE
6 02-11-2022 November Industry Specific DOT notifies Indian Telegraph (Amendment) Rules, 2022 CLICK HERE
7 02-11-2022 November Corporate MSE issues Circular for Submission of Internal Audit Report for the Half Year ended September 30, 2022 CLICK HERE
8 02-11-2022 November Corporate MSE issues Circular for Registration of the Reporting Entities (REs) in FINnet 2.0 system and compliance to the supplementary guidelines issued by FIU in 2022 CLICK HERE
9 02-11-2022 November Corporate MSE issues Circular for Investor Charter – Escalation Matrix CLICK HERE
10 02-11-2022 November Corporate MSE issues Circular for Validation of Instructions for Pay-In of Securities from Client demat account to Trading Member (TM) Pool Account against obligations received from the Clearing Corporations CLICK HERE